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Information Center

About 5RiversOnline

5RiversOnline is a comprehensive and supplemental online school open to any Minnesota K-12 learner.

We recognize that for some of our families a virtual learning environment works best. Families considering 5RiversOnline are encouraged to work with their resident school district to determine if this is a good fit for the learner. Learners enrolled in 5RiversOnline are expected to make regular daily and weekly progress. 

5RiversOnline Elementary

Kindergarten through Grade 6. 

Curriculum aligned to MN standards. 

MN licensed teachers. 

Daily synchronous learning with teacher and learner interaction along with peer-to-peer interaction.

Learners are expected to complete assigned asynchronous daily learning activities.

Learners may need to log in for interventions in reading and/or math as needed.

5RiversOnline Secondary

Grade 7 through 12. 

Curriculum aligned to MN standards.

MN licensed teachers. 

Advisory and advisory cohorts connect learners with an advisor and peers in 2-year bands: Grades 7-8, Grades 9-10, and Grades 11-12.

Learners meet virtually on a weekly basis 1:1 with an advisor and with advisory cohorts (gr. 7-8 meet daily and gr. 9-12 meet weekly).

Learners are expected to log in to each class with workday flexibility. Attendance is based on log in and work completion. 

Teachers may schedule asynchronous 1:1, small group, or full group sessions to advance the learning progression.

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