Multilingual Learners (ML)
We provide Multilingual Learner Services based on learner needs for language acquisition and school success.
​Our Multilingual Learner Program Mission is to promote learner success, be a link between 5RiversOnline and home, and support increased language proficiency to the point where Multilingual Learner services are no longer needed.
​Contact: Brian Cashman, GCED Coordinator of Alternative Programs,
Health Services
We are here to help. If you have any health-related concerns, please reach out to 5RiversOnline.
​Community Resource: CARE Clinic
​​Contact: Sheri Johnson, Nurse,
Children and youth who experience homelessness have the right to receive a free, appropriate public education ensured by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. This law requires schools to remove barriers to enrollment, attendance, and success for homeless students.
Contact: Shelly Angell, Social Worker,
Special Education
5RiversOnline is dedicated to providing personalized learning experiences to help students learn in ways that support them as learners.
Contact: Cherie Johnson, Executive Director,