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English Learners (EL)

We provide English Learner Services based on learner needs for language acquisition and school success. 


​Our English Learner Program Mission is to promote learner success, be a link between 5RiversOnline and home, and support increased language proficiency to the point where English Learner services are no longer needed.


​Contact: Brian Cashman, GCED Coordinator of Alternative Programs,

Health Services


We are here to help. If you have any health-related concerns, please reach out to 5RiversOnline.


​Community Resource: CARE Clinic


​​Contact: Sheri Johnson, Nurse,


Children and youth who experience homelessness have the right to receive a free, appropriate public education ensured by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. This law requires schools to remove barriers to enrollment, attendance, and success for homeless students.


Contact: Shelly Angell, Social Worker,

Nutrition Services


We are currently waiting to receive guidance from the Minnesota Department of Education regarding nutrition services available to online learners. 

Special Education


5RiversOnline is dedicated to providing personalized learning experiences to help students learn in ways that support them as learners. 


Contact: Cherie Johnson, Executive Director,

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